It's been a crazy week. When I got back from the Colca Canyon tour, I caught a bus from Arequipa to Puno, but when it arrived, we were told that there is a strike- I'm not certain of the details, but the farmers were protesting some of their land being sold without their consent (this is the gist that I got from my poor spanish interpretation, so don't take it to be the news), and were blocking the roadways so that no buses could get to Bolivia, and they were said to do the same to get to northern Peru, so instead of risking getting stuck in tourist trap, not that safe, Puno for a month, we immediately got on a boat for the border. The boat ride was terrible- 9 hours long, and not that comfortable. Once we got to the border, the locals scam you as much as possible- they stop the boat about 30 ft from shore, and paddle you in a small row boat for money, in which you have no say, and then hand you your bag and ask for more, in which case I said NO (and not nicely after that atrocious boat ride). They then try to taxi to immigration, which is hard to tell how far it is, but we learned, from walking it thankfully, that it's just around the corner. Immigration was also a nightmare. This line, no that line, now back to the other line, nope, have to photocopy your passport first, oh you're from the states? Just go to the end of the line....About 1.5 hrs, a lot of painful spanish translation for my friend Steph, and $135 later, I was officially in Bolivia, yay!! On to Copa Cabana. It's a beautiful town, and we arrived at sunset, and it's dirt cheap- woot! We found a little cafe on the main strip, and it was such a cozy, friendly, warm restaurant. There was a man and woman playing a jambe drum and guitar and singing- it was fantastic. Steph (latest travel partner, from Switzerland- speaks 4 languages, so handy!) bought their CD, so I'm hoping to get a copy from her before we part. We ate some delicious food, enjoyed the fantastic atmosphere (love the decor), met some more cool travelers, from Germany, and then mosied to the next bar for a night cap.
It was unfortunetely another ridiculously early morning to catch the boat to Isle de Sol. The boat ride was painfully slow, but what a gorgeous day it was! Not a cloud in the sky, and yet more amazing scenery. We hiked from the North to South end of the island, ~4hr hike, stopping for lunch and sunshine midway. The little villages had no running water, but very hard working, friendly people- it felt good to be in such a quiet, simple place for the day. We got back to Copa Cabana around 5:30pm, and watched the sunset and had some dinner. Unfortunetely, all the hiking in hot sun with cold dry air, sweating, taking off layers, putting on layers, followed by cold nights, has caught up to me, and tonight I am full blown sick- nose is a faucet, can't stop sneezing, feel TERRIBLE, and I think I have a fever, ugh! Might try the antibiotics tomorrow, if I don't feel any better. I just hope that I don't have pneumonia cause I feel it pretty badly in my chest. Wish I could call mom for the med advise, but I don't have internet here- just typing this in word to post later. Anyhoo, hopefully I feel better soon- tomorrow afternoon is a bus to La Paz, where I will hopefully rest a few days, and then do a tour of the pampas. I'm so excited- it is the mostly densely animal populated area in the world; you see alligators, monkeys, birds, AND PINK DOLPHINS! I must go- I heard pink dolphins, and was immediately online trying to book it. It's a 3 day tour, and only $150- I love how inexpensive Bolivia is. The hostel we're currently at, which is really nice, is only $3.50/night!
I can't believe all of the amazing stuff that I'm seeing, such an enriching life experience.
Wishing you all well....Love.